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Here's a collection of cool photos.

Some fun pictures of me and my friends for you to peruse.

Me, Junior Prom, Sara's front yard
Want to know what fear is.. stand
in that front yard waiting to face a
room full of people who hate you now
cause you and ther relation have broken

Me, with my classic pose, a drink!
I dont drink that much, only
on days that end in y or have
a vowel in them. and only months
that have 27 or more days. SO there

Kre and Corey
Arent they cute!?!

That poor piece of pizza... god rest its soul

Bach Strad, 37 model.

The Mogrens
This is my Uncle Dave and Aunt Sandy
and there kids. Arent they cute!?!
Please feel free to use and download these pictures.