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Friends Photos:

Heres me and all my wierd friends!

Me in the Bahama's
Yes, you too can look like John Gotti
if you order the Acme "Mafia in a bag"
Only 29.95, great stocking stuffer for those who love the Sopranons!

Me and Ry
We were bord, we were skipping school and the machine was there

T and Ry semi, senior year
Ry, being the FREAK that he is didnt want to be "shorter" then a girl in a pic,
so hes stanfing on a baby seat.

Me and Kat at T's house..
We're going to be elected
to public office someday, so curb the jokes@!

Sweet and Cute, NOT Ry an Jilly, semi senior year
They make me sick!

Our Cabin in the Bahama's
So yeah Mark, being the nice guy he is finds the freaky chick across the hall about
5 minutes after we get there.
And yeah, all she does is come in our
room and bug us the whole trip, shes the one that took the pic.
Please feel free to use and download these pictures.